Will Text Content Creators be Replaced by ChatGPT? I don’t think so.

ChatGPT has been a heating topic since the end of last year. For those who don’t know, ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence that has been trained on a large amount of text from the internet and it can answer questions and generate text from the information it digested. Ever since it was released, it has been a great hit on social media. Up until this month, only 2 months after launching, it has already reached 100 million users! The fastest user base growing record in history!

Asking ChatGPT to write me 10 prompts about fountain pens

Asking ChatGPT to write me 10 prompts about fountain pens

People are amazed by how efficiently some text tasks can be done using ChatGPT. Thinking to generate some blog prompts? Chatgpt can list 10 different ones in 3 seconds and they all sound like some good prompts! Thinking to write an email to your client about the late shipment? No worries, ChatGPT can get you covered in less than 10 seconds. There are so much more it can do and does faster than human. People start to worry that they are going to be unemployed and replaced by ChatGPT. Especially for lots of text content creators, the end products are text, either a blog post for marketing or a short article for attracting clicks. Lots of these tasks can be taken over by this sort of AI, whether it is ChatGPT or not. 

I have been playing with this ChatGPT lately. It is a very useful tool for digesting information and providing people with general ideas or solutions. However, I do find that there are some underlying issues. 

One issue is that an AI has to feed on information related to the question so that it can provide you with the answer. What if there is no answer fed to the AI in the first place? It will not be able to give you what you want to know. ChatGPT, as an example, will start making things up and make them sound like the bot knows what it’s talking about. It is quite funny actually. Anyway, there will always be something unknown to the AI and it can not think or solve the unknown on its own. At least, not right now.

asking chatgpt to recommend some flex fountain pens

I asked ChatGPT to recommend me some flex fountain pens for flex beginners. This was what it answered. It does not know the answer and started making things up.

The other issue is that the content created by ChatGPT is lacking originality. At least at this point of the state, it sounds like the AI is taking opinions from all over the internet, summarizing them, then presenting them to you. It doesn’t have the emotions like humans to create subjective opinions. For example, if you ask the AI how plastic feels. It will give you a description of the objective side of the material. However, as a human, some of us may say it feels cheap. 

When you are reading a review about something, are you only interested in the objective aspects of an item or a service? Or do you value the opinion of the writer? The way I see it, it is the subjective side of us that makes the content we created genuine and original. We are voicing our opinions based on our experiences and preferences. These personal views are giving out inspiration to others. An AI does not have the sentience to give out such original thoughts.

That comes to my point, creativity in text content creators can not be replaced by an AI as the AI doesn't have a preference to make an opinion. That doesn't mean that AI can not replace laborious work such as digesting a chunk of information and generalizing an idea. Instead of worrying about being replaced by AI, I think text content creators can use it as a tool to make our work more efficient to create more original content. 

Anyway, this is just my two cents on the recent discussion regarding ChatGPT replacing text content creators. As a small blog writer myself, I find that unlikely. Genuine and subjective opinions are irreplaceable. I do hope that I can see more original content rather than seeing the internet filled with bot-generated content.

A funny one for those who can understand Chinese
This totally does not make sense. lol


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